Sakarya Medical Journal aims to develop medical science and its members with an open, free, and accessible publishing approach. It presents original and current medical articles to its readers.
Sakarya Medical Journal is a scientific journal that aims to reach all national and international medical institutions and personnel, publishing retrospective, prospective, or experimental research, reviews, case reports, editorial comments/discussion, letters to the editor, and current issues that determine the medical agenda that may be related to every branch of medicine. The journal is published four times a year in March, June, September, and December.
General Information
Sakarya Medical Journal, all national and international medical institutions that publish retrospective, prospective, or experimental research, compilations, case reports, editorial comments/discussions, letters to the editor, surgical techniques, and current issues that determine the medical agenda, which may be related to every field of medicine. It is a scientific journal that aims to reach people and staff.
The journal publishes four issues a year in March, June, September, and December. The official journal publication languages are Turkish and English. English spelling is preferred. All transactions and applications regarding the journal can be made at Studies published in previous issues can be accessed from this address.
Scientific Policies and Ethical Responsibility
The scientific responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors. All authors must actively participate in the study. In order for the submitted articles to be published in the journal, they must not have been previously published in another scientific publication. If the submitted article has been presented at any meeting before, The meeting name, date, and city where it is held must be stated. The protocol of clinical trials must be approved by the ethics committee of the relevant institution. For all studies conducted on humans, the “Methods and Materials” section must include a sentence stating that the study was approved by the relevant committee or that the study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki Principles. (Ethics committee date and protocol number) It should be stated in the text that all people included in the study signed the informed consent form. If the "Animal" element is used in the study, the authors must state in the Materials and Methods section of the article that they protect animal rights in their studies in line with the principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and that they have received approval from the ethics committees of their institutions.
Publication Policy and Evaluation Process
All research published in the journal is open-access. The evaluation of the articles sent to the journal is carried out in three stages. In the first stage, articles are examined in terms of journal standards, and articles that do not comply with the spelling rules are rejected. After the article is edited according to the writing rules, it can be re-uploaded to the journal with the same name. In the second stage, the article is evaluated by the editorial board in terms of content and method. Articles that complete the first two stages go to the third stage and are sent to referees for review. Editorial evaluation and correction are applied to all articles. When necessary, authors may be asked to answer some questions and fill in the gaps. As a result of the evaluation, a decision of acceptance, minor revision, major revision, or rewriting may be required, or rejection may be given. The article decided to be published in the journal and taken into the printing process. At this stage, all information is subjected to detailed control and audit for accuracy. It is brought into pre-publication form and submitted to the authors' control and approval. Although the evaluation process takes at least 1 month, it can take up to 3-4 months due to the change in the author's response time and referee evaluation periods.
Publication Rights
According to the 1976 Copyright Act, all publishing rights of articles accepted for publication belong to the institution that publishes the journal. Authors must fill out the "Publication Rights Transfer Form" (signed by all authors in blue pen and with wet signatures), which can be accessed from the website, and send it via the DergiPark website.
• In scientific studies other than case reports/series and reviews, the ethics committee approval certificate must be uploaded to the system.
• Studies whose data collection process was completed before November 2013 will not be accepted.
• Scientific studies must be uploaded to the DergiPark system with the names and surnames of the authors of the study (all authors' names included in the study must be written) and only the first letters of all words in the title of the study (except conjunctions) in capital letters.
• Authors' works will be published at most once a year, regardless of their name order.
• If it is documented that assistance has been received from professional institutions or organizations that provide academic editing services in the writing of English abstracts of scientific studies written in English or studies written in Turkish, these studies will be given priority.
Preparation of the Article
• For scientific studies of the review type, the number of authors should not exceed three.
• For case reports, the number of authors should not exceed six.
• Texts should be double-spaced and in 10-point font, on two or more pages of each page. It should be written with a 2.5 cm space at the top and bottom. The font style must be Arial.
• Articles must be in Microsoft Word format. (including tables)
• Abbreviations should be given in parentheses at the first occurrence of the word in the abstract and main text, and that abbreviation should be used throughout the text. The suffixes added to the abbreviations made in lowercase letters are based on the pronunciation of the word: cm'yi, kg'dan, mm'den, kr. un. In addition to abbreviations made in capital letters, the pronunciation of the last letter of the abbreviation is taken as basis: BDT'ye, TDK'den, THY'de, TRT'den, TL'den, etc. However, the pronunciation of the abbreviation is based on the suffixes added to abbreviations that read like a word even though the abbreviation is written in capital letters: ASELSAN, BOTAŞ, NATO, UNESCO, etc. • The presentation page should be sent to the editor as a separate Word file. On the presentation page to the editor, the category of the work submitted, whether it has not been simultaneously submitted to another journal, whether it has not been previously published in another journal, the people and organizations that financially support the work, if any, and the relationships of these organizations with the authors, if any, should be stated.
• The cover page must be sent as a separate Word file. The title on the cover page should be simple and understandable (in Turkish and English). If the title is longer than 60 characters, a short title in English and Turkish should also be added to the cover page. All authors' names, surnames and titles, ORCID numbers, and the name and city of the institution they work for should be included on this page. The name, full address, telephone number, and e-mail information of the author "responsible for correspondence" should also be added to this page.
Statistical Information Note
• The statistical method used should be stated in such detail that a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data can confirm the reported results. Statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols should be defined. An explanation of the computer program and statistical method used should be given. Sources regarding the study design and statistical method should be stated if possible.
• In presenting the results, especially when giving averages and percentages, 2 decimal places should be used after the decimal places (instead of 112.2, such as 112.20 or 112.21). p, t, Z values are exceptions and 3 digits should be given after the comma (full value p=0.001 instead of p<0.05). Presenting two digits after the comma in representations other than integers, presenting statistical values (such as p, t, z, F, Chi-Square) with three digits after the comma, presenting p values with test statistics instead of p<0.05 or p>0.05. However, the exact p-value (in case this value is less than one thousandth, p<0.001) must be shown.
Sections of the Article
• In the text file to which the study is sent, respectively, Turkish title, Turkish abstract, Turkish keywords, English title, English abstract, English keywords, main text of the study, references, tables, one table per page, and subtitles of the figures (if any) on the last page. It should be in the form. Tables should be included in the file where the work is sent, one table per page, after the references, but each of the figures, graphics, and photographs of the work should be sent as a separate image file (jpeg or gif).
Research Article: Abstract: Turkish and English abstracts should be given together with the title of the study. Abstracts should be divided into sections, such as Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion, and should not exceed 250 words. Keywords: Turkish keywords should be stated after the Turkish summary, and English keywords should be stated after the English summary. Introduction: The last paragraph of the introduction section should include a sentence stating the purpose of the study. Materials and Methods: The type of research, ethical issues (institution, date, and number from which ethical approval was obtained), and the statistical analysis methods used should be stated. Findings, Discussion, References The institution, date, and number from which ethical approval was obtained should also be stated on the last page of the article.
Case Report/Series: Abstract: Turkish and English abstracts should be given together with the title of the article. Abstracts should be one paragraph. (Must be 100-150 words.) Keywords: Turkish keywords should be stated after the Turkish summary, and English keywords should be stated after the English summary. Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, References *In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form must be included in the article.
Compilation: In order for the review article to be accepted by our journal, at least one of the review authors must have at least 3 published articles on the subject of the review, and these articles must be clearly stated on the presentation page to the editor. Abstract: Review summaries should be short and single paragraphs (average 100-150 words, without sections, in Turkish and English). ) Keywords: Turkish keywords should be stated after the Turkish summary, and English keywords should be stated after the English summary. Afterward, the headings should be as follows: Introduction, Headings Related to the Subject, Conclusion, and References.
Letter to the Editor: Letters should not exceed 500 words, excluding references. Turkish and English abstracts are not required. The number of resources should be limited to 5. A letter can be written by a maximum of 4 writers. Letters to the editor are not included in the peer review process, but the editor may ask the authors to respond to the letter when necessary.
• At least 3 and at most 6 should be written in Turkish and English.
• Words must be separated from each other with a semicolon (;).
• English keywords should be given in accordance with “Medical Subject Headings (MESH)”.
• Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with Turkish Science Terms.
• Authors can only cite sources they directly used in their articles.
• References should be written in the order they appear in the text and should be specified as "Superscript" at the end of the sentence, immediately after the punctuation marks.
• If the number of authors in the study is 6 or less, all authors should be stated; if there are 7 or more, the first 6 names should be written, and “et al.” should be added.
• The format used for writing references must be as specified in Index Medicus (
• Only studies that have been published or accepted for publication or have a DOI number should be included in the reference list.
• The arrangement of the sources and punctuation must comply with the following examples (Please pay attention to punctuation): For the article, The surname(s) and initial(s) of the author(s), article name, journal name, year, volume, issue, page number must be stated. Example: Dilek ON, Yilmaz S, Degirmenci B, Ali Sahin D, Akbulut G, Dilek FH. The use of a vessel sealing system in thyroid surgery. Acta Chir Belg 2005;105:369-372. For the book, The surname(s) of the author(s) and initial(s) of their name(s), chapter title, name(s) of the editor(s), book title, edition number, city, publishing house, year and pages should be stated. Example: • For books published in foreign languages; Vissers RJ, Abu-Laban RB. Acute and Chronic Pancreatitis. In: Tintinalli JE, Kelen GD, Stapczynski JS (eds.), Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. 6st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Co.; 2005. p.573-577. • For Turkish books: Gokce O. Peptic ulcer. Dilek ON, editor. Stomach and Duedon. 1st Edition. Ankara: Anit Printing House; 2001. pp:265- 276. • Format for online publications: DOI is the only acceptable online reference.
Figures, Pictures, Tables, and Graphs
• The places where figures, pictures, tables, and graphs appear in the text should be stated at the end of the relevant sentence.
• Explanations of figures, pictures, tables, and graphs should be added to the end of the main text.
• Tables should be included in the file to which the article is sent, one table per page, but each of the figures, graphics, and photographs belonging to the article should be sent as a separate image file (jpeg or gif).
• Abbreviations used should be stated in the explanations below the figures, pictures, tables, and graphs.
• If previously published figures, pictures, tables, and graphics are used, written permission must be obtained, and this permission must be stated as an explanation in the description of the figure, picture, table, and graphic.
• Pictures/photographs must be colorful, contrasting, and clear enough to see details.
Conflict of interest: If the authors have any conflict of interest, this should be disclosed.
Acknowledgments: This section should include people or institutions that are not mentioned as authors but need to be thanked.
Contribution Rate Statement: In this section, what each researcher contributed to the research should be stated.
Sakarya Medical Journal does not charge any fees to users for the evaluation and publication of research.